I am a brazilian Independentphotographer and filmmaker who love travelling the world and discovering newculture, stories and experiences.

I believe we can change the world with simple gestures andthings. We can learn so much about our life and our existence just by beingopen to see other cultures and understanding how other people live, talk,communicate, pray. That’s the reason I’ve been travelling the world since 2009.

I worked as an accessories fashion designer and as amarketing analist for 9 years in famous fashion companies in Brazil. Butphotography has always been a passion.

I started filming when I moved to London for a sabaticalyear.

All I wanted was making that beautiful moments and travelexperiences last forever and share them with my friends and family in Brazil.And then I found myself fascinated about editing those videos. I came back toBrazil and before I realized, I was already making professional videos for myfriend’s business at the same time I was working for a company from 9 to 5.

It was having a hard time working for a company and and notbeing able to manage my own time. I wanted to do something I lovedand I was really passionate about: videos.

It was just when I saw on facebook a sail boat that wastravelling from New Zealand to Patagônia through Antartida, that I looked backto my life and I made the decision: I quit my job, bought a ticket to Patagônia(Chile) and met these awesome sailors.

Now, 2 years later, my itinerant videoproduction company is called VIDEO COM ALMA ("Video with Soul"),which produces any kind of content for brands, TV series, advertising, socialmedia and documentaries.


Inquieta, acredita que é possível mudar o mundo com pequenos gestos.
Desde 2009 perambula pelo mundo em busca de coisas que a encantem, que encham o coração e deixem a vida mais leve. E essa busca se intensifica cada dia mais. A busca por uma vida com um propósito maior ao de simplesmente existir, mas fazer a diferença. No meu, no seu, no nosso ambiente.
Trabalhou como estilista de acessórios em grandes marcas de moda em São Paulo e também como analista de Marketing de moda.
Apaixonada por viagens, já esteve em mais de 21 países da Europa, América do Sul, América Central, Ásia e Africa. Desde 2011 vem realizando projetos de fotografia e vídeo para marcas e empresas de Londres e São Paulo nos mais variados ramos. Realizou três exposições das fotos e vídeos de sua trajetória pelo mundo e atualmente escreve para o site Catraca Livre, teve um artigo publicado no Canal History Channel Brasil e mantêm seu blog pessoal.
Atualmente trabalha como filmmaker free-lancer.
Bruna é engajada em questões ambientais e de desenvolvimento de culturas locais.

Instagram - @brunaatoledo

faleparabruna@gmail.com | + 55 11 9.8273.5552

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